I recall Saavedra once had this brilliant idea à propos de la prosodie on April's Fool.
Yes, by now you should have a pretty good idea of how much we care about prosody. The problem with the stuff we do is that it is so binary that you may actually never know whether it's lies or truth. Anyway, most people teach lies as truth, so what?
It's not a problem, it's more of a challenge, and everyone has to be engaged in it in order to manage human communication in everyday life.
And if you think you can't be bothered with such trivialities, then perhaps you should consider suicide. Some have argued that suicide is mostly a problem deriving from human communication (or lack thereof), so there's a hint.
I for one will try to help Saavedra if he ever decides to resume his insightful prospect. Disentangling the trigo do joio has never been an easy task.
Lies Z Truth
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